Precision Reflexology Courses
Introduction to Precision Reflexology
As the only authorised CPD course in Precision Reflexology, this two-part continuing professional development is available to all qualified reflexologists. The course has a strong focus on practical sessions among attendees so people can experience the technique and deepen their understanding and empathy with consultations.
The course focuses on the "linking" technique, which is unique to the School of Precision Reflexology. This technique gives power and precision to all forms of reflexology and it proves a way to connect to the subtle energy of each client.
Course content explores the rationale for working with Precision Reflexology and how it can offer an intuitive response to treatment. Attendees will learn how to locate the linking reflexes and apply the basic technique using a light touch that provides a powerful treatment without using strong physical pressure.
CPD course in Precision Reflexology attendees will explore and discuss how this technique provides a powerful alternative to therapy work – aligning with the energy of individuals as well as applying a unique approach to Chakra work. Course time also includes examples of realistic ways that reflexologists can make this approach relevant to their clients as well as naturopathic principles that can be applied to help boost client confidence and involvement in their own healthcare.

Introduction to Precision Reflexology is currently the only AoR CPD approved course.
The school is in the process of completing approval for other courses.
Advanced Precision Reflexology
All qualified Precision Reflexologists are eligible to attend this two-day course. Advanced Precision Reflexology focuses on the UNSEEN treatment using foot massage and "linking" techniques connected to the Chakra reflexes. UNSEEN work involves a range of modes that can be used to enhance the actual treatment – for example, nutrition and breathing techniques.
The course will demonstrate how naturopathic principles can be applied to support reflexology treatments and how practitioners can develop totally holistic treatment plans that are appropriate to each individual client.
The Advanced Precision Reflexology course also provides an opportunity to apply the wider aspects of complementary care to any reflexology consultation. In particular, by using the treatment to provide direction and guidance on realistic, practical and appropriate ways for clients to be more involved with their own healthcare.
During the two days, attendees will explore a range of approaches with a view to extending the practitioner's repertoire by combining course teachings with personal experience. All techniques are low-tech and low-cost, which are particularly attractive for clients when placed in the context of the pace of modern life.
Precision Reflexology for Cancer and Supportive Care
As a qualified reflexologist, this intensive 2-day course will help you to expand your reflexology skills to work safely and confidently in the areas of hospice and cancer care. During this course we will overview theory but focus more on the practical aspects of adapting a variety of reflexology techniques that can be used safely for the benefit of patients when a more traditional approach to reflexology may not be suitable or may be contraindicated.
Prerequisite: Level 3 Reflexology diploma or equivalent and at least 1 year’s therapeutic practice.
Upcoming Courses
Advanced Precision Reflexology Course, March 2025
In this Advanced Precision Reflexology CPD course, Susie will go deeper into working with the chakras in relation to Precision Reflexology and help practitioners to explore the UNSEEN work that can be used to enhance their treatments.
Introduction to Precision Reflexology, April 2025 - Part 2
Having had time to practice the techniques, during this second part of the basic Precision Reflexology CPD course, Susie will demonstrate and supervise more advanced techniques.
Introduction to Precision Reflexology, September 2025 - Part 1
In this first part of the basic Precision Reflexology CPD course, Susie will introduce, discuss and demonstrate basic techniques, their importance and their relevance to treatments.
Introduction to Precision Reflexology, November 2025 - Part 2
Having had time to practice the techniques, during this second part of the basic Precision Reflexology CPD course, Susie will demonstrate and supervise more advanced techniques.